Monday, 24 May 2010
The Tooth Fairy
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Just 6 Weeks To Go!
- The personal things like photos, letters, etc. still need sorting so that they can be packed and stored. I'm wondering if I have enough time to make personal memory boxes for the kids and give them each their own things now that they're grown up? That could well take up the whole six weeks though, and I have to wonder whether they would treasure them as I have done all these years.
- There are also loads of files on my old computer (things I've written, photos taken, etc.) to go through before I give it away. Most is probably rubbish, but what if I deleted some gem by mistake? That looks like another big job.
- I need to get Lielle's British passport sorted out.
- Insurance: I seriously wonder if my current insurance policy is what I need and worth continuing with, plus we need to think about our travel health insurance. I could really use some guidance here.
- I want to say goodbye properly to some of my best friends - need to arrange that.
- I have decided to arrange a one-day 'Young Entrepreneurs' workshop for about a dozen girls on the first day of the school summer vacation just before we leave. This will also be a last opportunity for Lielle to spend time with her friends while hopefully making a little more pocket money for the trip. The idea of the workshop is to do arts and crafts, baking, etc. and then sell the produce at the end of the day after learning some of the basics of advertising and marketing. There will also be a second-hand stall where Lielle may be able to trade some of her last remaining toys and books that can't come with us.
Saturday, 22 May 2010

Some of these changes were achieved by a simple shift in mentality. Once you have set a goal in mind that you are passionate about, if that goal involves money to be saved or debts to pay off you actually psyche yourself up to get a thrill out of not buying something. Resisting the urge to buy something actually gives you a buzz as you realize it is in your power to bring that ultimate goal one step closer.
It also helps to look on the bright side and see the positive aspects in everything: cars and washing machines breaking down don't immediately strike people as being positive, but the way things worked out these things not only brought about a reduction in our expenses but also made us super-aware of just how kind, generous and helpful people can be.
Monday, 17 May 2010
From Another Angle
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Crazy ideas... Win-Win-Win
But since the niggling question was already in my brain, I had to delve a bit deeper and come up with an answer, and I didn't have to delve too deep to find some inspiration. Whilst in Bulgaria recently serendipity granted me the opportunity to spend a few days with an amazing woman and watch how she puts some of her philosophies of life into action on a daily basis. She's not super-wealthy, but has a steady income which provides just a little more than she actually needs for her own modest lifestyle. I witnessed the smile of gratitude on the face of an elderly woman with whom we exchanged greetings as we passed her, sitting on a low stool outside the supermarket. That particular day was warm and pleasant, and she was there as usual with her various sized bottles of home-produced goat's milk, hoping to sell them all before going home. My new friend told me how a few months before, when the weather had been well below freezing for weeks on end, she would buy all the woman's milk enabling her to go home to somewhere warm. She didn't really need the milk so she gave it to the cats and dogs she found herself taking care of.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Building Projects
Hayloft-to-Den Conversion: We would like to clear out one of the haylofts and turn it into a cool space for older kids as a den or story-telling corner. For younger children we want to finish sorting out the ground-level playhouse in the garden.
Cowshed-to-Craft-Workshop Conversion: This is a bigger job and to do it the way we are thinking of will mean we shall need to acquire a few new skills first, such as working with natural mud and lime plaster. If we manage to make the place really cosy it could also double up to provide additional sleeping space when we have a lot of guests.
We shall be documenting our progress with these various projects and hope to be able to post some impressive 'before' and 'after' photos over the coming months!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Family Friendly Travellers' Rest
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
How We Built our First Cement Seating Sculptures
Cement Seating Sculptures
Monday, 10 May 2010
Summer 2009 in Voditsa
We did a lot of work in the garden and even managed to get some tomatoes and peppers going (though we had to leave just before they were ready for picking). The barn area and playhouse got tidied, and a couple of windows and doors got painted as well as the main entrance gate. Most of these jobs were achieved with the help of friends and family who came out to visit us: Bartek and Gosia (Poland), Ahava and Ravit (Israel), Nasta (Greece), Carole, Tina and Nikki (UK), Yair (Israel) and Yak (Czech Republic). In addition to the physical help they contributed they also kept us well-fed, in good spirits and provided some wonderful musical interludes. Thank you all.
Bartek managed to get up into the loft. It looked very sound and dry - fortunately no unpleasant surprises there! On the other hand, a trip up to the roof above the kitchen showed fairly extensive rodent (?) damage. That's something we shall have to take care of next time as it's causing the kitchen ceiling to bow.